Friday, February 24, 2012

The spleen also provides a meeting ground ...

After leaving the bone marrow and thymus, some lymphocytes congregate in organs of the immune system or lymph nodes. Others, like T-cells travel widely and continuously throughout the body. They use the blood circulation and lymphatic vessels bodywide network similar to the blood vessels. Saturated along the lymphatic routes, with clusters in the neck, armpits, abdomen, groin and-small bobovidnye lymph nodes. Each lymph node contains specialized department, the platoon house B-lymphocytes, T lymphocytes and other cells capable of grabbing the antigen and present it to T cells. Thus, lymph node integrates several components needed to ignite the immune response.

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The spleen also provides a meeting ground for immune system. Body size of a fist on the top left side of abdomen, the spleen contains two main types of tissue: red pulp that disposes of worn-out blood cells and white pulp that contains lymphoid tissue. Like the lymph nodes, spleen lymphoid tissue is divided into sections that specialize in different types of immune system cells. Microorganisms carried by the blood in the red pulp fall into the trap of immune cells known as macrophages. (Although people can live without a spleen, persons spleen were damaged as a result of injury or diseases such as sickle cell anemia, is very susceptible to infection, surgical removal of the spleen is especially dangerous for young children and patients with weakened immune systems).

Nonencapsulated clusters of lymphoid tissue found in many parts of the body. They are distributed throughout the mucous membranes lining the respiratory and digestive tracts-areas that are the gateway to the body. These include the tonsils and adenoids, appendix, and Peyyerovi plaque. Lymph vessels carry lymph lasix drug, a clear liquid that washes tissue. Lymph, along with many cells and particles it contains, including lymphocytes, macrophages, and foreign antigens, drains from the tissue and penetrates through the thin walls of tiny lymphatic vessels. Transport vehicles mix in lymph nodes, where antigens can be filtered and presented to immune cells. Additional lymphocytes reach the lymph nodes (and other immune tissues) through the blood. Each node is provided with arteries and veins, lymphocytes enter the node, passing through the walls of very small specialized veins. All lymphocytes exit lymph nodes in lymph via outgoing lymphatic vessels. Just as small streams and rivers flowing into the great river channel in the lymph more and more channels. Based on the neck, large lymphatic vessels merge into the thoracic duct that empties its contents into the blood. Once in the blood lymphocytes and other immune cells transported to various tissues throughout the body. They patrol all foreign antigens, then gradually drift back into the lymphatic vessels to start the cycle again. This information is cooperation between the National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Department of Health and Human Services


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