Friday, February 24, 2012

Coughing or sneezing can cause damage ...

Osteoporosis develops slowly over several years. It is likely that there will be no warning signs before a slight fall or sudden impact causes bone fractures. Healthy bones need to be able to withstand a fall from height are so bone gaps in these conditions is known as brittle fracture. When bones are weakened (low bone mass), break the wrist, hip or spine (vertebrae) are most common. Coughing or sneezing can cause broken ribs or partial collapse of one of the bones of the spine. A broken bone is an elderly person can be serious, depending on where it occurs.anabolic steroids side effects This can lead to prolonged disability. For example, fractured neck of femur can lead to long-term problems with lasix 4 mg mobility. One visible sign of osteoporosis is characterized by tilted (bent) position, which occurs in older people. This occurs when a bone fracture of the spine, making it difficult to maintain body weight. It is osteoporosis painful? Osteoporosis usually does not cause pain if the bone is broken as a result of the disease. Although not always painful, spinal fractures are the most common cause of chronic pain associated with this disease.  

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